Gear Disclaimer
Stop! There is way too much emphasis on the type of gear people play on or how to get a sound. Save yourself the headache and money and stop trying to emulate famous artists. You can use their setups as a starting point to get to where you want to go, but you will never be them. Practice lots and worry about your technique and the rest will come. What makes a musician is their hands and creativity.
If you can make a crappy little amp sound good then you can make anything sound good. Name brands, wood types, freaking 20 year old tubes from Russia with the word “vintage” stamped on them doesn’t really mean much at the end of the day. A listener doesn’t care what type of amp or guitar you have, they will either like the song you made or not.
So, with that out of the way, here is some stuff I wiggle my fingers on to make pleasing or non-pleasing sounds from.